Saturday, June 27, 2015

To Blog or Not to Blog, That is the Question

With all due respect to Shakespeare, to blog or not to blog, that is the question. And it's a question I have asked myself frequently over the past few months. Like most indie authors, I frequently peruse articles regarding methods for success in the dog-eat-dog publishing world and more often that not, one of those recommended methods is to blog. In fact, it comes across as more of a command than a suggestion. "If you are an author, you must have a blog!" the articles trumpet, usually followed by, "If you have a blog, you must add new content constantly!" To which I typically find myself thinking, I'm lucky if I can find time to brush my teeth. When the hell am I going to find time to blog?

Here's the problem, and it's a problem faced by many--if not most--independent authors: limited writing time. Sure, if I had 8 hours a day to write, I would bang out a new blog every other day and twice on Sundays. But with all the responsibilities and activities that come with a full-time career and family, the available writing time gets chopped down to slivers. I get up an hour before work in the morning to write and sometimes (not always) scrape together another 30-60 minutes before bed. That's it.

Perhaps I should feel like some kind of slug because I only write 1-2 hours per day, but that is all I have to give. So with that said, should I spend that limited time blogging? More and more these days, my answers has been "no."

Here's the thing: I do not write fast. Oh, I can type pretty fast, but typing is not the same thing as writing. In those 60-90 minutes I scrape together each day to write, I am usually able to generate 1-2 pages of a  manuscript. It takes me about the same amount of time to write a blog post. So what's the better use of my time? Writing pages in the next novel or writing a blog entry?

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Your mileage may very, but I saw no uptick in book sales when I started blogging and have seen no downtick in sales since I took a 7 month blogging hiatus. And during that period of blogging abstinence, I was able to co-write and publish a new novel (Gristle, co-authored with Derric Miller). Had I felt the need to blog weekly, I doubt that novel would be done yet. While it's not all about the money, it's not NOT about the money either, and by getting a new novel out, I am making money. As it commonly does, releasing a new novel increased sales of my other books as well. Blogging did not do that for me and begs the question, why should I keep doing it?

It is entirely possible that I am going about blogging all wrong. Maybe blogging is not a waste of time but the way I blog is. To that I merely shrug my shoulders and say, "Whatever." I do not mean to discourage anyone from blogging--if it works for you, by all means, go for it--but for me, forcing myself to blog has done nothing but rob me of time that I feel would be better spent working on a new novel. I will not shut down this blog and will continue to periodically post new content, but it will be when I want to do so, not because I feel I have to do so.

So the question was, to blog or not to blog? My answer is yes ... but only when I damn well please.

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